Modern Investor Relations Firm


About Futurist Society

Futurist Society consistently provides clients with favorable results and measured impact through an integrated combination of traditional investor relations tactics with a modern digital media approach.

Our expert team has been involved with companies across all stages and market caps. From serving as investor relations firms for start ups to helping lead IPO efforts, we have assisted clients such as OTCQX listed companies increase their valuation and market cap securing S&P listings.

We have successfully helped our clients gain mainstream media, awareness, assist with capital raises, and uplist from smaller exchanges to more prestigious exchanges like American, NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange.

Our media coverage encompasses niche publications along with well known outlets like International Business Times, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Forbes, New York Magazine, MarketWatch, Benzinga, Digital Journal and many more. From journalists in New York, NY to San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and Miami our network encompasses the United States and beyond.

We are here to help you boost awareness for your company with unbiased guidance and strategic support in all aspects of today’s modern financial markets.

From managing your disclosure releases to establishing content marketing initiatives that highlight your value proposition to retail investors, we have the knowledge, access and support services to ensure you succeed.

Our targeted messages will guarantee that your company is seen by millions of advantageous retail investors, analysts, market movers and hedge fund managers.


Kickstart Your IR Today

At Futurist Society we are ready to work from the moment our initial conversation begins. There are no delays, let’s begin reaching your goals together today.

Contact us to get started on a detailed proposal on how we can assist.

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Public Market Expertise

Over six decades of industry experience ready to serve your company needs supported by countless customer success stories and testimonials.


Small Cap Solutions.

Big Cap Approach.

The Futurist Society strategy is a multi-faceted approach leveraging all elements of media for a cohesive and dominating message presence for investors.
Maximum exposure drives maximum results.

Industry Leading Investor Relations Firm

Our investor relations team combines traditional investor relations and social media strategy with strong financial and journalist contacts that offers opportunities for publicly traded companies to share their investment story with potential investors.

How We Can Help

Investor Relations Companies Establish Credibility with Shareholders Using Powerful IR Strategy

As one of the top investor relations firms, our team at Futurist Society have strong relationships with financial institutions and stock exchange companies that make sure we provide the research information needed for making informed decisions.

From Wall Street in New York to retail day-traders in Chicago and all investors on Reddit’s Wall Street Bets, we understand capital markets and the communications needs of our clients within the investment community as on of today’s leading firms.

Increase Visibility with Effective IR Announcements

Our team of accomplished analysts and writers leverage decades of agency industry experience in developing strategic planning strategies and innovative investment messages for journalists and targeted audiences, something not found at many investor relations firms.

Our team has extensive communications experience in the field of public relations which we apply to all that we do for our clients at Futurist Society. This PR background allows us to take a unique approach towards today’s capital markets applying a blended public relations approach with IR that we call modern investor relations.

The Best Investor Relations Companies Attract Audiences Through Strategic Investor-Related Media

Today’s investor has more opportunities than ever before. It is time to be in front of them with communications in areas where they are spending their time online with easy, concise information and presentations that do the sales for you. Marketing to today’s business development director, analyst, fund manager or retail investor is a complete u turn from the way things were done just 10 years ago.

It is time you deliver your message and value proposition through an integrated marketing platform designed for a successful campaign that boosts company awareness. We don’t just provide good strategic advice, we can execute the public relations and content marketing needed in the highly professional competitive landscape maximizing your visibility across your sector and all of North America.

It is time that your public relations communications are a part of investors daily news feeds not just reaching the abyss of the newswire. Our communications are designed for today’s modern investor.

Fully Integrated Communications Consultancy Services

We specialize in using multiple services to compliment your organization by targeting key areas of investor investor interest creating value propositions that appeal to regional investors, wealth advisors, family offices and institutional investors.

From your website structure and design to the blogs and content it contains, your social media imagery and post activity, community engagement, public relations and all elements of communications our agency works to highlight your value to those looking for places to find new investment opportunities.

Futurist Society Strategic Communications Investor Relations Firm

At Futurist Society our role as a strategic communications investor relations firm are to provide our clients with the most efficient and effective way to communicate with their target market of investors and existing shareholders.

We align our clients’ goals with the most effective and efficient communication strategies, whether it is through social media, traditional media or a combination of both targeting institutional investors and retail investors alike.

An important part of our role as an investor relations firm is to keep our clients up-to-date on the latest changes in technology and how those changes can be used to their advantage.

Our investor communications services help our clients to create targeted PR messages that resonate with their target market achieving their desired objectives.

Our ultimate goal is to help our clients navigate and establish the events needed to achieve their business goals. We do that by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to effectively communicate with their target market.

From biotech startups to investor relations plans for cannabis companies, education and emerging technologies, if you are looking for a strategic communications firm to partner with and help you achieve your business goals contact us today.

The Role of Investor Relations Firms

The main role of a strategic communications firm is to develop, implement and manage an organizations communication strategies both internally and externally. In today’s modern world this includes every platform and area users may be searching, not just a single location hub of information. PR encompasses social media marketing, reddit, StockTwits, Yahoo! Finance and so many other areas that are just as important as the issuance of a press release itself.

We also advise clients on how to best use traditional and digital media platforms to reach their target audiences, as well as how to measure the effectiveness of their communications campaigns. Digital marketing is critical for today’s public companies as the investment community has access to more capital markets data and information than ever before.

As fast thinkers, we help client growth through creative business development working just as much as a PR agency as an IR firm. We can work with you to create a program that tells the story of your CEO, employees and managing director just like top PR firms with a power focus on valuation and investor relations.

Understanding Strategic Communications for Investor Relations Consulting Firms

Strategic communication is the process of planning, creating, delivering and measuring messages to specific audiences to achieve specific objectives.

For IR firms like Futurist Society this means blending a content strategy as a public relations company across Search Engine Optimization on and off your website, social media, content creation, website structure and more that is cohesive and consistently set to deliver comprehensive professional results.

It is a multi-faceted process that requires an understanding of human behavior, as well as an understanding of the various channels of communication that can be used to reach target audiences.

From the top New York investor relations firms NYC to the Middle East, San Francisco to Santa Monica, in today’s digital world location is less critical as news travels instantly around the world. Whether your investors are in London or Chicago while you’re based in New York, NY our team can ensure that your message crosses their newswire, community website and social media marketing feeds highlighting the investment opportunity.

Recent data has shown that investors are invested in more diverse geographic portfolios than ever before. The days of traveling to road show events are becoming less relevant and the times of dominating public relations in the digital metaverse in Web3 are more prominent than ever before.

The most effective strategic communications plan is one that is research-based and uses data to guide the development of messages and the selection of channels. Research analysts are the foundation for investing and great ideas come from innovative people. The strategic work needed is a key component of why Futurist Society is an investor relations firm that stands out among the best on Wall Street.

Futurist Society has a team of experienced strategic communication professionals who help our clients develop an effective strategic brand and communication plan for their organization that not only exceeds expectations but increases overall company knowledge through enhanced public relations.

A Blended IR Firm & PR Firm with Digital Marketing Expertise

A key focus of our work is to ensure that our clients’ messages are aligned with their business objectives, and that they are delivered in the most effective way possible.

We also work closely with our clients to help them understand the ever-changing media landscape, and how best to use new platforms and technologies to reach their audiences.

In addition to our work with listed companies, we also provide strategic communications and investor relations services to private companies, family offices, government agencies and not-for-profit organisations.

The role of an equity group serves in the role of raising capital by acquiring capital commitments from limited partners/external financial institutions such as retirement and pension funds, insurance companies, wealthy individuals, and endowments. They may also put part of their own money to make a contribution to the fund.

We are committed to helping our clients achieve their business objectives, and we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of service and expertise. If you would like to learn more about our services, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time.